Shiny new……compost bin!

Ok, so it’s not shiny but it is new and so much nicer than the black plastic ones we had before.
My wonderful husband has been working hard again to get more of our garden done and I’m loving the new look bin. It matches everything in the garden and I love it.

It’s nearly full already! Ant’s outside making a lid as we speak 🙂
Granddad’s having one of the old ones and I’ll put the other on freecycle to see if anyone wants it.

On a slightly different note, but still garden related, Ant lifted 2 slabs on the path to see if anything could be done to level them back out again but the roots of the tree are too thick to get through without a chain saw so he had to lay them again and we’ll have to put up with the bump in the middle of the path for a little while longer.

We’re hoping the rain holds off today so we can empty the shed, sort it out and make a new potting bench. The garden’s looking a bit like a building site again so we’re also hoping to get it tidied up today. It’s not looking very promising though, I don’t think we’ve got much time before the rain comes so I’d best get dressed and get something done!

EDIT: Finished bin 🙂

We had an overwhelming response from freecycle when I put the bins on there. There were nearly 20 emails requesting one. Made me feel bad we didn’t have more to give away!